October 29,2022

October 26, 2022

Last week our oldest students were visited by Kristina Lapienyte of the Lithuanian Research Center in Chicago. In her presentation about the history of Lithuanian diplomacy, we learned that U.S. Lithuanians put enormous efforts into securing the recognition of Lithuania as an independent nation after WW I. Our students did very well in the brief contest that followed the presentation. We have two winners whose names will be announced on Nov. 5th at flag-raising. Please come by to congratulate them . It’s a surprise!

Saturday we are meeting at Forest Lawn Glendale to visit the gravesites of fellow Lithuanians, and to commemorate All Souls Day. This is part of the school curriculum, so please arrive at 9 a.m. We return to school at 9:45. Directions were sent to you in emails. We strive to teach our students to have respect for those who came before us. This is not a time to come to school later, but rather a wonderful teaching opportunity.

Hope to see all of you there.
