Oct. 28, 2017

October 26, 2017

All students are invited to bring a Lithuanian-themed decorated pumpkin to school on Saturday. All entries will receive prizes.Kiskiai,Vaiku darzelis and grades 1 and 2 are welcome to wear safe Halloween costumes.

Nov. 4th students,families and parishioners will commemorate Velines/All Souls Day by visiting the gravesites of Lithuanians buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Court of Christus area. Meet at 9 a.m. We will say prayers and decorate the graves with flowers and flags. Kiskiai and Vaiku darzelis stay at school .

FINGERPRINTING as mandated by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is required of all parents who spend any time in our school facility as volunteers in class, perform yard duty, eat lunch at the outdoor tables, etc. We have the right to restrict entrance to the school grounds of unfingerprinted individuals. FINGERPRINTING WILL TAKE PLACE ON NOV. 18TH. A reservation sheet is found on the teachers’ table in the lower hall. Please sign up.

Tony Valle, our school parent, cordailly invites everyone to the LAPD annual Open House  this Saturday. See flyer.Scan 2017-10-26 12.01.31

Blusu Turgus/Flea Market for Charity – Nov. 11th. Please bring used toys and women’s accessories to sell. For information see Brigita Slekys.

