spalio 14, 2017

spalio 11, 2017

Mieli tėveliai,

Ačiū visiems tėveliams kurie dalyvavo Virtus, vaikų apsaugos apmokyme. Susirinko daug tėvelių, bet  ne visi. Primenu, kad visi kurie praleidžai laiką mokyklos patalpose PRIVALO įrodyti kad jie yra sertifikuoti. Jeigu neatvykote į pereito šeštadienio paskaitą , galite susirasti kitas parapijas kuriose vyksta Virtus programa. Internete žiūrėkite Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Child Safety program. Išklausę , gausite sertifikatą, kurio kopiją prašau man įduoti. Kiškių tėveliams ypač aktualu tai atlikti!

Taip pat, visi tėveliai kurie talkininkauja mokykloje, budi, pietus valgo ir t.t. turi priduoti pirštų antspaudus/ FINGERPRINTING, lapkričio 18 d. mūsų parapijoje. Rezervuokite laiką pas M.Newsom. Lapas randasi ant mokytojų stalo.

Šį šeštadienį, 10/14 kviečiam mokinukus nuo 1-os klasės iki 8-os klasės į ateitininkų susirinkimą. Susirinkimas vyks nuo 1:20pm iki 2:20pm parapijos apatinėje salėje.Tuo pačiu metu kviečiame jaunuolius nuo 8-os klasės ir seminaristus į moksleivių ateitininkų susirinkimą.Ateitininkų organizacija yra katalikiška jaunimo organizacija, gyvuojanti jau daugiau negu 100 metų.

Spalio 21d. mokykloje pasirodys Alytaus Teatras su vaikų spektakliu PINOKIS. Visos šeimos kviečiamos atvykti 12 val. į viršutinę salę.

Mokyklos Registracija jau užsidarė. Nuo dabar reikės pridėti papildomą mokestį.

Prie šio laiško pridedu  labai svarbias žinias apie patyčių (bullying) problemą jaunimo tarpe.




Protect Your Children from Bullying 

As adults, we tend to downplay or underestimate the amount and seriousness of bullying that occurs in our children’s schools. But bullying is a serious, widespread problem that needs to be addressed to safeguard our children and provide safer, more secure learning environments.

A nationally representative U.S. study shows that 17 percent of all students reported having been bullied „sometimes“ or more often within a school term. This amounts to almost one in five students. And, for every case reported to school officials, there are many more bullied students who suffer in silence.

Identifying the Effects of Bullying 

As a parent, you may suspect your child is being bullied. If you are not quite sure, review these common signs to help you recognize if bullying is occurring. Your child may:

  • come home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings
  • have unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches from fighting
  • have few, if any, friends with whom he or she spends time
  • seem afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with
  • peers (such as clubs or sports)
  • take a long, „illogical“ route when walking to or from school
  • lose interest in school work or suddenly begin to do poorly in school
  • appear sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home
  • complain frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical problems
  • have trouble sleeping or frequent bad dreams
  • experience a loss of appetite
  • appear anxious and suffer from low self-esteem


If your child bullies other children at school, it will need to be stopped. Here are some things you can do at home to address the issue with your child:

  • ▀  Make it clear to your child that you take bullying seriously and that it is not okay.
  • ▀  Make rules within your family for your child’s behavior. Praise
 your child for following the rules and use nonphysical and logical consequences when rules are broken. A logical consequence for bullying could be losing rights to use the phone to call friends, using email to talk with friends, or other activities your child enjoys.
  • ▀  Spend lots of time with your child and keep close track of his or her activities. Find out who your child’s friends are and how and where they spend their free time.
  • ▀  Build on your child’s talents by encouraging him or her to get involved in positive activities (such as clubs, music lessons, or nonviolent sports).
  • Adults seldom are present in the online environments frequented by children and youth. Therefore, it is extremely important that adults pay close attention to cyber-bullying and the activities of children and youth when using these new technologies.Cyber-bullying occurs when children and youth use cyber-technologies such as text messaging, Internet sites, and cell phones to bully others. Indirect forms of bullying like this can include spreading of false rumors, gossip, and verbal taunts or attacks. Like bullying that happens in person, cyber-bullying can have serious, and sometimes legal consequences for the ones doing the bullying.Suggestions for Parents

    Tips To help prevent cyber-bullying:

    • ▀  Keep your home computer(s) in easily viewable places, such as a family room or kitchen.
    • ▀  Talk regularly with your child about online activities he or she is involved in.
      1. Talk specifically about cyber-bullying and encourage your child to tell you immediately if he or she is the victim of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, or other illegal or troublesome online behaviors.
      2. Encourage your child to tell you if he or she is aware of others who may be the victims of such behavior.
      3. Explain that cyber-bullying is harmful and unacceptable behavior. Outline your expectations for responsible online behavior and make it
 clear that there will be consequences for inappropriate behavior.
    • ▀  Although adults must respect the privacy of children and youth, concerns for your child’s safety may sometimes override these privacy concerns. Tell your child that you may review his or her online communications if you think there is reason for concern.
    • ▀  Consider installing parental control altering software and/or tracking programs, but don’t rely solely on these tools.