May 5,2018

May 02, 2018

Saturday please be on time. Classes begin at 9 a.m. Students need to prepare for the Mother’s Day program.

MOTINOS DIENA – MOTHER’S DAY PROGRAM 12 p.m. in the upper hall.  Calling all moms, dads, grandparents, and special guests to come to a special program,honoring YOU, prepared by the students and teachers. It’s very sad to see a student  looking around the hall for family members and not spotting anyone to whom they can present a flower. Dads are also most welcome!

Some classes will be wearing Lithuanian costumes for the program. They will have time to change into them. Check with your child. Everyone is to dress appropriately-NO jeans,tee shirts, shorts, ripped clothing.

Classes end May 19th. End of school program and graduation – June. 2. Please make sure all student work is completed by the last day of classes. Confer with teachers.
